
Play School

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School Brochure

Vimal Education Society’s

Ashwini International School

Rules and Regulations

Minimum 80% attendance is mandatory for the entire academic year for the student to pass.


Students remaining absent on the previous day/ days must bring a written explanation to the Principal/Class teacher from their parents in the calendar. Application seeking leave for more than 2 days must be written on A4 size sheet and to be addressed to the principal.


Application for medical leave should be accompanied by a medical certificate from registered doctor.


Parents are requested not to send their child to school in case of pre- planned family functions as no half day will be granted. Only under special circumstances, a student will be allowed to leave the school premises before school closing time with permission from the Principal.


On birthdays child can wear the ‘birthday dress’. No distribution of chocolates, cakes, gifts, return gifts etc to the classmates or the staff will be allowed.


Calendar lost will be replaced with new calendar after paying fine of Rs. 250 in office.


Student identity card lost will be replaced with temporary identity card after paying fine of Rs. 100 in office.


Local parent’s identity card lost will be replaced with new local parent’s identity card after paying fine of Rs. 100 in office.


A student failing to appear for examination or test will not be re – examined on any account.


All the submissions must be done on time. Delay in the submissions will affect on the marks. Late submissions will not be granted.


It will be solely, the responsibility of parents to get the notes of the child completed in case he/she remains absent.


In case the child is absent, parents are expected to send a written note one day prior/after in the calendar.


Any child who is absent for more than a month without prior notice, will be entitled to cut off his/her name from roll list, with immediate effect. If readmitted he/she will be considered as a case of fresh admission. So, kindly make sure your child attends the school daily and regularly.


It is mandatory for all the students to come in school uniform for all events, excursions, open day, even if they come along with the parents for any meet.


Kindly note that excursions and picnics arranged by school are compulsory and it is part of curriculum hence it is mandatory for all students to attend. This surely will help your child explore the surroundings, increase imagination and observation skills.


Any parent who wishes to meet the Principal must seek for prior appointment from the school office.


Parents are not allowed to meet the class teacher during school hours.


Parents are requested to attend the “Parent-Teacher” meeting regularly which will be announced well in advance. Attendance of at least one parent is compulsory.


Parents are requested to be courteous, polite and humble while interacting with the school staff. In case of any misbehavior of a parent/guardian with the school authorities, teaching or non-teaching staff, the school authority shall issue a transfer certificate to the ward of such a parent without any notice.


Parents are not allowed to meet the ward during the school hours. So, kindly do not disturb the child or ask for the permission.


Make sure that the emergency number which is registered by you in the school is always available, whenever required.


You are requested to keep your mobiles on silent mode, whenever you are in the school premises.


Parents are not allowed to use mobile phone in School Coordinator and Principal’s cabin. Mobile phones to be submitted before the appointment.


Kindly note: From Std-I onwards, original birth certificate has to be submitted in school.


Any parent, who wishes to seek for the leaving certificate, must give a written application a week prior, stating the details of the child and mentioning the reason for leaving the school.


Any change in the residential address or the telephone number should be informed to the school authorities through written application.


Parents who have opted for the school transport are requested to ensure that the child is ready on the pickup spot five minutes before the scheduled time, else the child would be left behind. Also ensure that you are available to receive back the child at the scheduled time, else the child will be brought back to school.


Timely payment of the school fees will be highly appreciated. The 1st instalment has to be paid on or before 10th May 2023, 2nd instalment on or before 10th Aug 2023 and 3rd instalment on or before 20th Nov 2023.


A fine of Rs. 50/- day will be applicable for late payment of fees.


A fine of Rs. 300/- will be applicable for every cheque bounce.


School fees/ Admission fees/ Transportation fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.


In case, the parent wishes to withdraw their child’s name from the school due to any reasons at any time duration, even if the child has attended only a single day, the parent is expected to pay annual fees to receive the exit documents.


Any parent who wishes to seek for a bonafide certificate must give a written application in school office. The requested bonafide certificate will be issued within 10 days only if the required dues are cleared.


No collective petition or group meeting will be entertained but reasonable and individual ones will surely be attended to.


In case of expulsion of child due to disciplinary action, misconduct or other grounds, parents shall not claim refund of fees or compensation of the fact that the child has attended the school for the full session or not.


The school does not approve the students or parents violating the school’s code of conduct, indulging in any anti- social activity, involving in instigating others for a wrong cause and defaming the organization. In case a student or parent indulge in such acts, the school shall be at liberty to take appropriate action, which may include striking off the name of the student from the school rolls depending on the severity of the act.


Students should respect school property. The student will be fined, if any damage to the school property is done by him or her.


The school arranges for students to participate in various competitive examinations conducted by respective external body. Students wishing to participate will have to pay the fees as required by the body conducting these tests which may also include travel and boarding, if applicable.


Due care will be taken to ensure the safety and security of students. However, the school authorities will not be responsible for any untoward incidents which are beyond the control of the school.


Picnics or excursions arranged by the school will have additional cost to be paid by parents. No extra charges for field trip.


Students are strictly instructed not to bring junk food items on birthdays or last working days to have party or else they will be taken by the school authorities.


Students can avail school transport only after paying fees on or before the due date. A late fee of Rs. 50/- perday will be charged after the due date.


Students causing any damage to the school bus is liable to pay fine. Misbehaviour of any kind in the school bus will lead to suspension of bus service.


In case of violation of school's code of conduct or acts of misconduct by student, school shall take suitable actions depending on severity of misconduct which may include-
i) Written warnings to student or parent
ii)Suspension for a specific period
iii)Recovery of loss to school property
iv)Expulsion or rustication from school.


In case of any personal dispute leading to separation of parents, the legal parent need to take responsibility of the child, and will be responsible for fulfillment of documentation and Fees submission towards the school.


In case of court dispute in between the parents and custody of child, the case decision of Hon'ble court will prevail.


A child may be expelled from school, if Management determine that any parent has engaged in one or more of the following:
• Participated in the exchange of any communication whether in the form of emails or text messages or text messages or otherwise , causing to be published or telecasted in any form of electronic / paper media/ anything that in a manner lowers or tarnishes the reputation of school / Management / any of its staff members.
• Initiated and /or participated in the filling of any frivolous complaints against school / its Management /any of its staff members.


Parent and students have to understand the cyber safety norms and abide by Section 66A of the information Technology Act (punishment for sending offensive services) Any person who sends by means of computer resource or a communication device. Any information that is grossly offensive or has menacing character.
• Any information which he/ she knows to be false, but for the purpose of causing annoyance, inconvenience, danger, obstruction, insult, injury, criminal intimidation, enmity , hatred or ill will, persistently by making use of such computer resource or a communication device.
• Any electronic mail or electronic mail message for the purpose of causing annoyance or inconvenience or to deceive or to mislead the addressee or the recipient about the origin of such messages, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term, which may extend to three years and with fine.